miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011


Dreams are a part os our subconscious, our troubles, preoccupations which generally are not part of our daily life, but they somehow weigh and hide in deeper places.
Coincidences, though I don´t doubt there are people who have this gift or abilities to interpret them.
I´ve never had premonitory dreams, but I´ve met some people who dad. I´d rather think they are just coincidences, but I respect different opinions about this subject.
I frequently have repeated dreams, for example, one in which I feel trapped, and I cannot scream out, though I try hard, or that someone is trying to catch me, so it might be related to my fears which I don´t reflect day by day.
The word “dream” is a wonderful one, because it generates hope and goes beyond our subconscious. They mean our aims, what we expect from life, from our country and society.
I´ve always thought that dreaming is the best we have in our lives, because it creates that drop of hope we all need to generate changes.
I dream of a more fair, equalitary society…I dream of poverty stops at last, the same as hate, that must be off our hearts, and brotherhood and fraternity come soon, as well as the possibility to build a new kind of reality. Day by day we have the change to construct a better world, have a better kind of living, and make everyone feels better, happier. I guess it is just a matter of good will, to put a little grain of sand, because I´m sure we can do it. Now it´s time

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011


Travelling.One of the main dreams all os us have got sometimes.Discover new worlds,new cultures,as well as breathing new air...
Particularly,I`m sure one of the most beautiful and pleasant things in this workd is right this,just knowing and visiting new worlds.
One of the countries I`d like to visit most of all is Cuba.I`ve always dreamt of knowing,getting closer of that kind of magic Island,full of misteries,revolutions,styles of life,so different to ours.
I`m aware about the history of the Cuban people,,its leaders,its revolution...but,it`s never the same being outside.Thats why,I`d like to breathe the air of its beaches,each one of its corners,be right there at Revolution Square,and so many other places.
I`ve always wanted to be there so as to study Cinema,or just to get some post degree studies,bescause Educational System in Cuba is something which is outsanting,and exceeds many places around the world,because of its concerning of State and Cultural bases.
I`m sure my dream sometime will come true...It`s just to get the wisdom and advantage to know how to be patient and wait....and,obviously,to gather some money

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

The world of cinema and TV.

I must begin saying that I love Cinema,moreover,since I study it.
From every type of films I think Cinema is fundamental to creativity and memory,besides It´s a way to entertaining and creation of new worlds.
Television is a complex subject because it´s a very important media to generate deceaving contents,too many lies told and besides it´s a very powerful dangerous stream,if it´s used as today.
I usually don´t rent movies,I just watch them on the internet,sometimes I buy them such as underground(I must confess...),or by cable T.V....The best movie I have ever seen ,at least,related to Documentary films,is called The battle Of Chile,and about fiction drama,Cinema Paradise.Most of what I like of The Battle of Chile is the way its portrayt our country ,pre,during and post the Military Dictadure,where all facts are so werll described,and most of all,it rescues the historical sense ,the culture and memory of our country.
Well,Cinema Paradise is a film which makes us all to love cinema more,it´s actually a movie to watch.
I don´t really like Chilean T.V. I feel like it just is dedicated to treat women as objects ,as also to create wrong speeches to shelter the government which is in its turn,to tell many lies,and generate as well a lot of television garbage.
There´re some programmes I may rescue some,such as "The Eighties",Or "The Cardinal files",but,regretfully,we don´t even know if these type of programmes will be supported any more.
If I were to make a film about my life,I´d try to portrait many people through my life story,ordinary problems,the obvious theme to try to get out in spite of all obstacles,and living life to the top,such as if it
were the lasst day of my life.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Welcome dear Students

Movilizations marked this year and going back to classes means to be aware of the great fight we have done.
It´s complicated for me to study,because I come from the tenth Region,and I´d have to choose a date to go home.That will be Christmas,which means that New Year´s day will be spent too far away from my family,from home.
If I chose going for Christmas,it´s because it´s a very much familiar feast,and also,in january 30th I have to be ready with a work to present it at the university.
Which is most unpleasant to me is the huge heat we have to stand,but,it´s some of the costs we must pay facing all what we did.....we must prepare water bombs wars so as not to get "cooked."
We´ll also must have factor 60 sun blocker and light clothes....longer study hours and a very cold coke with ice,and besides,try to get the force to pass the term in a very good way,without taking final exams,and facing new challenges.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


We all are immersed in a system which only cares of a market properly functioning and where society is out of place,as also its rights. To talk about Education is also talking about a debt with the Chilean society.It´s a structural problem related to the non- respect of the Constitution that points out clearly that we have the RIGHT to education. We cannot go on depending on new owners or new governments so as to have what is a right: free and state education. It`s not possible that we may have education according to our wallets; it`s not possible that before we leave University,we`re already sunk with such a huge debt,as if we`d asked for a never ending consumer credit.
This situation is more than a chaos nowadays.Education has been commercialised.It`s a profit education due to its increasing privatization within the educational system.Moreover,there`s a discriminatory access to it,a current credit system,to say the least.That`s why this awful system must be changed.
We demand reforms to the prevailing model; the economic,social and cultural.So,government must not profit through education,but it must help with tuition fees,the increase in funding having a non-discriminatory access to education,as also an injection of resources to universities.
It`s very well known that in Cuba,Venezuela,Argentina and other close countries,Education is not a matter for discussion: It`s a right,it`s free,and it`s for everybody. So,I ask to myself: Why Chile ( wrongly called "the jaguar of Latinamerica" ) cannot do the effort? What is hidden behind all this?
This right-winged government has come to crush all of us,students,and so,it has radicalized problems even more than the previous one left.It has come to make a joke of the rucksack which obviously will leave a credit balance in its pockets.
Isn`t it queer that the Education Minister is the owner of a University?.....Think about it.
In conclusion,I think this government is a shame,and may be we won`t be able to solve everything that must be changed; but even so,WE ARE HERE,and WE ARE MANY who still believe that some things can be better.That,at least some of our demands will be won,above all to revitalize state universities because they are deplorable.
We HOPE that unity gets the strength.HISTORY IS OURS.And,history is carried out by the people,as SALVADOR said before he was killed.History lives inside every human being.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Literature in my Life

Through all of my life,some determined writers and books have shared my sorrows and joy.That`s why Literature is so important to the different stages in my life. I wouldn`t say I`m a "book worm",because I`m not always reading a lot,or day by day.But I always accompany my states of mind reading poems. When I was a child I used to write more than to read; I liked to write short stories and poems,and even more,I often participated in Literature Contests and Workshops. My favorite books are two: the first is called " La Tregua ",by Mario Benedetti,and the other one is "Como agua para chocolate",by Laura Esquivel. In relation to politics,"The Shock Doctrine",by Naomi Klein is the one I prefer. I like fiction as much as non-fiction,specially if the books deal with History or Politics. My favorite writer is Mario Benedetti.His poetry is as wonderful as his novels or short stories.There`s a poem,the one for me which is called "No te rindas"...."Don`t give up".It has been more than important in my life,because it has helped me to face many very difficult situations. I recently read "The Shock Doctrine"; it explains all conspiracies that have been happening through History,mainly from the U.S.A to the rest of the world.It tells a truth, very hard and clear: the state policies which determined the creation of new forms of societies,and the triumph of Capitalism,obviously,by means of shock therapies.It`s such an interesting book ! It took me a few months to read it.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


Hi,everybody.I`m glad to tell you I do like the Art of Photography.I usually go out for a walk to different places,and try to discover the hidden secrets they surely have.So I take pictures of a big amount of little details.As I love nature,I like to take photos of flowers,leaves,specially in rainy days,because they create a very unique atmosphere.I also like to photograph my friends,I try to make a kind of portraits with their faces.Well,talking about myself,I guess I`m not photogenic at all.In spite of that,I love to have a camera and take photographs of everything I can; at least,I`m always ready in special occasions,as birthdays,trips,or whatever celebration might be.I can say I`m the "official photographer".
Another kind of pictures I really like to take are related to my pets.They are the most photogenic and lovely creatures I`ve never seen before.
Well,with everything I have written until now,I can state I enjoy taking photos. I collect some printed ones;sometimes I make albums,or I use them to decorate some walls in my bedroom.I couldn`t say I`m a photolog freak.I`d say I consider myself a traditional photolog user.Finally,I`d like to include one of the photographs I like most.It was taken by one of my mom`s best friends,when I was 5 or 6 years old.It shows me up on the roof of my grandma`s house,in Ancud.It was a windy day,and I was wearing a mini-skirt....my panties shown more than I would have liked they had.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

"The dark side of heart"

I do like a lot going to the cinema.
I`d say I go at least once a month to watch some movie.
The last film I saw is called "Rio".I`m fond of children movies having an adullt content.
Well,thoug I know it`s not good,I buy some "pirate" films here,at Universidad de chile,and this is because they are so expensive at "official" places or stores.
Sometimes,I ask for some films at Cineteca Nacional,where I`m doing my practice.

My favourite film is called "The dark side of heart".It`s a movie directed by Eliseo Subiela,an Argentinian director.I love it,because it`s a mixture of poetry,love,drama...it`s intense,deep,and metaphorical.

I`ve seen that film at least four times.When I need some company,or assume my state of being,which is feeling alone.It helps me to heal all pains and go on feeling clear and sure.
In relation to the good parts of that movie,Î`d have too many things to say....for example,that love is just a chance you take,that nobody has to take love for granted.
The weak points may refer mainly to people who don`t understand metaphors,because the movie is filled with them.

I surely reccomend it.
More than watching it,I invite you to feel it...most of all,to identify yourself so as you learn to love cinema.
I`d rate this movie as a "must"

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

I love the computers

The computer is my favourite piece of technology.I had the first one when I was 13.
I use it to surf on the net, looking for specific information concerning my area of study,which is Cinema and television. And also for having fun,for example chatting with my friends.
I`d say I use it every day,at least from monday to friday.Sometimes,on weekends I don`t.
I like computers because this means,specifically Internet has democratized communication and the capacity to get a good and quick information. I also like it because is less expensive than other means of communication,so I can send e-mails to my family in the South of Chile
.As a conclusion,I`d like to add that,as everything in life,all has its right and wrong sides.
Unfortunately,the huge use of computers,and else,the Internet ,sometimes make that we lose our closest relationships,or somehow,be reduced.

We depend too much on virtual stuff.So,be careful.