domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Literature in my Life

Through all of my life,some determined writers and books have shared my sorrows and joy.That`s why Literature is so important to the different stages in my life. I wouldn`t say I`m a "book worm",because I`m not always reading a lot,or day by day.But I always accompany my states of mind reading poems. When I was a child I used to write more than to read; I liked to write short stories and poems,and even more,I often participated in Literature Contests and Workshops. My favorite books are two: the first is called " La Tregua ",by Mario Benedetti,and the other one is "Como agua para chocolate",by Laura Esquivel. In relation to politics,"The Shock Doctrine",by Naomi Klein is the one I prefer. I like fiction as much as non-fiction,specially if the books deal with History or Politics. My favorite writer is Mario Benedetti.His poetry is as wonderful as his novels or short stories.There`s a poem,the one for me which is called "No te rindas"...."Don`t give up".It has been more than important in my life,because it has helped me to face many very difficult situations. I recently read "The Shock Doctrine"; it explains all conspiracies that have been happening through History,mainly from the U.S.A to the rest of the world.It tells a truth, very hard and clear: the state policies which determined the creation of new forms of societies,and the triumph of Capitalism,obviously,by means of shock therapies.It`s such an interesting book ! It took me a few months to read it.

2 comentarios:

  1. I read "La tregua", but I did not like this books.... I prefer police novels..
    Also I read "Como agua para chocolate", this book is very funny for my... do you see the movie? You should do that!.

  2. hey,I love write too. I prefer write :D
    I like read poems, but I prefer the novels.
    I read "Como agua para chocolate" too. I haven´t seen the movie, but I don´t like to see movies of books. Always the book is better.
