martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

I love the computers

The computer is my favourite piece of technology.I had the first one when I was 13.
I use it to surf on the net, looking for specific information concerning my area of study,which is Cinema and television. And also for having fun,for example chatting with my friends.
I`d say I use it every day,at least from monday to friday.Sometimes,on weekends I don`t.
I like computers because this means,specifically Internet has democratized communication and the capacity to get a good and quick information. I also like it because is less expensive than other means of communication,so I can send e-mails to my family in the South of Chile
.As a conclusion,I`d like to add that,as everything in life,all has its right and wrong sides.
Unfortunately,the huge use of computers,and else,the Internet ,sometimes make that we lose our closest relationships,or somehow,be reduced.

We depend too much on virtual stuff.So,be careful.

2 comentarios:

  1. Me too! I like the computer because I can see movies and series online. But, Also I use the pc for looking information.

  2. The computers are great, but I think that they are a little dangerous if you don´t use the right way. All depend of the people and the education
