miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011


Dreams are a part os our subconscious, our troubles, preoccupations which generally are not part of our daily life, but they somehow weigh and hide in deeper places.
Coincidences, though I don´t doubt there are people who have this gift or abilities to interpret them.
I´ve never had premonitory dreams, but I´ve met some people who dad. I´d rather think they are just coincidences, but I respect different opinions about this subject.
I frequently have repeated dreams, for example, one in which I feel trapped, and I cannot scream out, though I try hard, or that someone is trying to catch me, so it might be related to my fears which I don´t reflect day by day.
The word “dream” is a wonderful one, because it generates hope and goes beyond our subconscious. They mean our aims, what we expect from life, from our country and society.
I´ve always thought that dreaming is the best we have in our lives, because it creates that drop of hope we all need to generate changes.
I dream of a more fair, equalitary society…I dream of poverty stops at last, the same as hate, that must be off our hearts, and brotherhood and fraternity come soon, as well as the possibility to build a new kind of reality. Day by day we have the change to construct a better world, have a better kind of living, and make everyone feels better, happier. I guess it is just a matter of good will, to put a little grain of sand, because I´m sure we can do it. Now it´s time

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