miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

The world of cinema and TV.

I must begin saying that I love Cinema,moreover,since I study it.
From every type of films I think Cinema is fundamental to creativity and memory,besides It´s a way to entertaining and creation of new worlds.
Television is a complex subject because it´s a very important media to generate deceaving contents,too many lies told and besides it´s a very powerful dangerous stream,if it´s used as today.
I usually don´t rent movies,I just watch them on the internet,sometimes I buy them such as underground(I must confess...),or by cable T.V....The best movie I have ever seen ,at least,related to Documentary films,is called The battle Of Chile,and about fiction drama,Cinema Paradise.Most of what I like of The Battle of Chile is the way its portrayt our country ,pre,during and post the Military Dictadure,where all facts are so werll described,and most of all,it rescues the historical sense ,the culture and memory of our country.
Well,Cinema Paradise is a film which makes us all to love cinema more,it´s actually a movie to watch.
I don´t really like Chilean T.V. I feel like it just is dedicated to treat women as objects ,as also to create wrong speeches to shelter the government which is in its turn,to tell many lies,and generate as well a lot of television garbage.
There´re some programmes I may rescue some,such as "The Eighties",Or "The Cardinal files",but,regretfully,we don´t even know if these type of programmes will be supported any more.
If I were to make a film about my life,I´d try to portrait many people through my life story,ordinary problems,the obvious theme to try to get out in spite of all obstacles,and living life to the top,such as if it
were the lasst day of my life.

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