martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


Hi,everybody.I`m glad to tell you I do like the Art of Photography.I usually go out for a walk to different places,and try to discover the hidden secrets they surely have.So I take pictures of a big amount of little details.As I love nature,I like to take photos of flowers,leaves,specially in rainy days,because they create a very unique atmosphere.I also like to photograph my friends,I try to make a kind of portraits with their faces.Well,talking about myself,I guess I`m not photogenic at all.In spite of that,I love to have a camera and take photographs of everything I can; at least,I`m always ready in special occasions,as birthdays,trips,or whatever celebration might be.I can say I`m the "official photographer".
Another kind of pictures I really like to take are related to my pets.They are the most photogenic and lovely creatures I`ve never seen before.
Well,with everything I have written until now,I can state I enjoy taking photos. I collect some printed ones;sometimes I make albums,or I use them to decorate some walls in my bedroom.I couldn`t say I`m a photolog freak.I`d say I consider myself a traditional photolog user.Finally,I`d like to include one of the photographs I like most.It was taken by one of my mom`s best friends,when I was 5 or 6 years old.It shows me up on the roof of my grandma`s house,in Ancud.It was a windy day,and I was wearing a panties shown more than I would have liked they had.

2 comentarios:

  1. I like to take photos of the nature too. The best are landscapes photographs.

  2. I don´t have a album... but I would like. You photo is beautiful!
