miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Sailor Moon

Anime is a Japanese animation. It´s so different from Disney´s cartoons , because of the subject and culture it comes from (It comes just from Japan)
I used to watch anime in the past. When I was te. I remember my mom didn´t like I watched them, so I was waited for her to go to turn the TV on.
It´s a very ample expansión a different world of fun mixed with a cultural phenomena.
“Sailor moon” is mainly drawn by a computer. A big feature or characteristc is represented big their pictures of the big eyes and weird hair.
It represents the life of 5 Japanese teenagers in Tokio.
They go t secundary school, and they live a normal life, but suddenly, evil comes to their live and it takes a form of demon, so as to face and struggles this evil they trasform thenselves becoming sailor scouts, each one of them represanting the solar system.
This influence is refered to try to extreme my inner potentic lities. That´s the one big lesson. I´ve learnt from this anime.

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