miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Sailor Moon

Anime is a Japanese animation. It´s so different from Disney´s cartoons , because of the subject and culture it comes from (It comes just from Japan)
I used to watch anime in the past. When I was te. I remember my mom didn´t like I watched them, so I was waited for her to go to turn the TV on.
It´s a very ample expansión a different world of fun mixed with a cultural phenomena.
“Sailor moon” is mainly drawn by a computer. A big feature or characteristc is represented big their pictures of the big eyes and weird hair.
It represents the life of 5 Japanese teenagers in Tokio.
They go t secundary school, and they live a normal life, but suddenly, evil comes to their live and it takes a form of demon, so as to face and struggles this evil they trasform thenselves becoming sailor scouts, each one of them represanting the solar system.
This influence is refered to try to extreme my inner potentic lities. That´s the one big lesson. I´ve learnt from this anime.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

The earth has a headache

I think we learn about looking after the environment just walking by the streets, some neighborhoods or slums. It´s a shame to watch all kind of garbage thrown wherever, in spite of having many garbage cans.
In relation to my recycling habits, I always respect the rules when I look at a sign warning not to throw trash on the grass, or streets.
Where I live, there are different cans to put all kind of glasses, cartons, aluminium tins, plastics, and also biodegradable stuff.
I often ride my bike to go to some places where there are cyclo paths. But, if there aren´t I´d better walk as much as I can.
Actually, I haven´t supported neither joined any eco-organisations. This is because I´m fond of animals, so in my scarce free time I help as a member of an animal protection society.
I´d like to belong to any eco-organisation, and as a fact, I´ll do all the needed procedures to become a member of one of them as soon as possible.
Some of the measures I have taken so as to try to reduce this are the following:
Not taking, as much as possible, public transportation
Increasing my physical activities
Riding my bike
Not using electrical appliances too much
I think it´s obvious that what´s missing not only in Santiago, but also in most of the cities in Chile is related to the few cyclo paths but most of all, be aware of the danger that implies to leave such unwanted footprint to our world and new generation.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Music from the 60`s is one of the best of all.

I think music from the 60`s is one of the best of all.
My favourite singers and bands from that time are many,but to name just some of them,here are the following: Simon and Garfunkel,The Beatles,Carole King,The Bee Gees, The Mamas and The Papas,The Rolling Stones,Elvis Presley.
What I like most of them,particularly from Simon and Garfunkel,are their wonderful lyrics of two songs,which are "Old friends" and "Dangling conversation".
I must quote that my name,Michelle was chosen by my mom,due to one of The Beatles`s greatest song..."Michelle".It`s so sweet and tender !!!
Well,there`s a huge difference between nowadays music from the one I`m talking about.
Now,we mainly listen to music which in a way,reports our lifestyles,injustice,human poverty,related to a very simple life,as well as a chaotic world situation. But,I guess this is to be understood.Actually,our world has become to be just this: a CHAOS.
In relation to the influence the music of the 60`s has transferred to the new musical groups,I`ve alwas had the conviction that all type of music has been mostly influenced by Negro Gospels.From then on,music changed for ever.Music has become to be a way of catharsis,and why not,if our world has changed in such an evil way.
I`m sure that the music from the 60`s bridges a huge and important gap between me and my family. We only have to listen to their favourite music,and compare it to our music nowadays,to understand how different was the reality they were living.And,in this way,we do understand each other much better,indeed.
I`m really happy to have been born in the 90`s.
But,in spite of that,I`ve learned very much about my family and that beloved music: their way of living,or facing problems and fun...I think almost everything I care of nowadays.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

David Thewlis: The secret Surrealist

The subject I chose from "the Guardian" is realated to this man called "the new surrealist" He just ended a busy year, playing aung San Suu Kyi`s husband, in an exhuberant biopic.
The main question about this is: Is he actually dreaming of being the next Buñuel?
Talking about his amazing film "The Lady", I could say it was produced in 2011, it lasts 132 minutes, the director´s name is Luc Besson, and the cast is a follows: Benedict Wong, David Thewlis, Jonathan Woodhouse, Jonathan Ragget and Michelle Yeoh

"The Lady" is a powerful account of the personal and political struggles of the burmese democracy campaigner, Aung San Suu Kyi
At the film´s heart lies the relationship between this woman and her husband, Dr. Michael Aris, a marriage that must, somehow, span the years of enforced separation, while Suu Kyi was under house arrest, and the cancer that caused Ari´s death in 1999.

"My Heart felt absolutely on fire", a famous sentence stated by Thewlis.I think all of you guess what he want to say.

To end up, I must go back a little in time, to tell you that, completing the film, he
thought he had done very little. So, he travelled around Europe, trying some painting and writing.
He has worked in both, films and television, earing a reputation as one of the finest actors, too.
