martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


Hi,everybody.I`m glad to tell you I do like the Art of Photography.I usually go out for a walk to different places,and try to discover the hidden secrets they surely have.So I take pictures of a big amount of little details.As I love nature,I like to take photos of flowers,leaves,specially in rainy days,because they create a very unique atmosphere.I also like to photograph my friends,I try to make a kind of portraits with their faces.Well,talking about myself,I guess I`m not photogenic at all.In spite of that,I love to have a camera and take photographs of everything I can; at least,I`m always ready in special occasions,as birthdays,trips,or whatever celebration might be.I can say I`m the "official photographer".
Another kind of pictures I really like to take are related to my pets.They are the most photogenic and lovely creatures I`ve never seen before.
Well,with everything I have written until now,I can state I enjoy taking photos. I collect some printed ones;sometimes I make albums,or I use them to decorate some walls in my bedroom.I couldn`t say I`m a photolog freak.I`d say I consider myself a traditional photolog user.Finally,I`d like to include one of the photographs I like most.It was taken by one of my mom`s best friends,when I was 5 or 6 years old.It shows me up on the roof of my grandma`s house,in Ancud.It was a windy day,and I was wearing a panties shown more than I would have liked they had.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

"The dark side of heart"

I do like a lot going to the cinema.
I`d say I go at least once a month to watch some movie.
The last film I saw is called "Rio".I`m fond of children movies having an adullt content.
Well,thoug I know it`s not good,I buy some "pirate" films here,at Universidad de chile,and this is because they are so expensive at "official" places or stores.
Sometimes,I ask for some films at Cineteca Nacional,where I`m doing my practice.

My favourite film is called "The dark side of heart".It`s a movie directed by Eliseo Subiela,an Argentinian director.I love it,because it`s a mixture of poetry,love,`s intense,deep,and metaphorical.

I`ve seen that film at least four times.When I need some company,or assume my state of being,which is feeling alone.It helps me to heal all pains and go on feeling clear and sure.
In relation to the good parts of that movie,Î`d have too many things to say....for example,that love is just a chance you take,that nobody has to take love for granted.
The weak points may refer mainly to people who don`t understand metaphors,because the movie is filled with them.

I surely reccomend it.
More than watching it,I invite you to feel it...most of all,to identify yourself so as you learn to love cinema.
I`d rate this movie as a "must"

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

I love the computers

The computer is my favourite piece of technology.I had the first one when I was 13.
I use it to surf on the net, looking for specific information concerning my area of study,which is Cinema and television. And also for having fun,for example chatting with my friends.
I`d say I use it every day,at least from monday to friday.Sometimes,on weekends I don`t.
I like computers because this means,specifically Internet has democratized communication and the capacity to get a good and quick information. I also like it because is less expensive than other means of communication,so I can send e-mails to my family in the South of Chile
.As a conclusion,I`d like to add that,as everything in life,all has its right and wrong sides.
Unfortunately,the huge use of computers,and else,the Internet ,sometimes make that we lose our closest relationships,or somehow,be reduced.

We depend too much on virtual stuff.So,be careful.