martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Meche and Miche,the best couple

I`m an animal lover, indeed. I used to have pets when I was a kid.
I guess,for my own experience,dogs are the best pets of all.
I don´t know anybody who owns an unusual pet.Of course,I don`t agree with the use of animals for medical research.
I don`t like having animals in a zoo....they`re free,by nature and they must live in their natural environment.
I dislike people buying or wearing fur coats...It`s awful !!!!! So,I`m against animal mistreatment;they have the right to be taken care of,to be sheltered,to be feeded,and most of all to be loved.
I know there are dangerous animals.In relation to that,I think,in the case of dogs,the owners must be very careful so that they do no damage on any person-

Animals and pets have always been a part in my life,since I was a girl

Mainly,a special one which came into my life and heart just a year ago.
She`s called "Meche" dear pet,a she dog.Any coincidence with my nickname ( "Miche") is just chance.
When I came to study in Stgo.,I felt rather alone.2 years passed by,but I didn`t feel good or happy.Something,or someone was missing in my life.
Later on,I was aware that lots of dogs and other animals were abandoned,and sometimes sheltered by adoption centers.
So,one day,I went to visit one of those centers.
There were so many dogs waiting to be adopted...but,there was she !!! The one in a hundred.
She looked scared of all people,alone just how I felt,and like wanting and needing to be loved and taken care of.No doubt.I brought her home.

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