domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


We all are immersed in a system which only cares of a market properly functioning and where society is out of place,as also its rights. To talk about Education is also talking about a debt with the Chilean society.It´s a structural problem related to the non- respect of the Constitution that points out clearly that we have the RIGHT to education. We cannot go on depending on new owners or new governments so as to have what is a right: free and state education. It`s not possible that we may have education according to our wallets; it`s not possible that before we leave University,we`re already sunk with such a huge debt,as if we`d asked for a never ending consumer credit.
This situation is more than a chaos nowadays.Education has been commercialised.It`s a profit education due to its increasing privatization within the educational system.Moreover,there`s a discriminatory access to it,a current credit system,to say the least.That`s why this awful system must be changed.
We demand reforms to the prevailing model; the economic,social and cultural.So,government must not profit through education,but it must help with tuition fees,the increase in funding having a non-discriminatory access to education,as also an injection of resources to universities.
It`s very well known that in Cuba,Venezuela,Argentina and other close countries,Education is not a matter for discussion: It`s a right,it`s free,and it`s for everybody. So,I ask to myself: Why Chile ( wrongly called "the jaguar of Latinamerica" ) cannot do the effort? What is hidden behind all this?
This right-winged government has come to crush all of us,students,and so,it has radicalized problems even more than the previous one left.It has come to make a joke of the rucksack which obviously will leave a credit balance in its pockets.
Isn`t it queer that the Education Minister is the owner of a University?.....Think about it.
In conclusion,I think this government is a shame,and may be we won`t be able to solve everything that must be changed; but even so,WE ARE HERE,and WE ARE MANY who still believe that some things can be better.That,at least some of our demands will be won,above all to revitalize state universities because they are deplorable.
We HOPE that unity gets the strength.HISTORY IS OURS.And,history is carried out by the people,as SALVADOR said before he was killed.History lives inside every human being.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Literature in my Life

Through all of my life,some determined writers and books have shared my sorrows and joy.That`s why Literature is so important to the different stages in my life. I wouldn`t say I`m a "book worm",because I`m not always reading a lot,or day by day.But I always accompany my states of mind reading poems. When I was a child I used to write more than to read; I liked to write short stories and poems,and even more,I often participated in Literature Contests and Workshops. My favorite books are two: the first is called " La Tregua ",by Mario Benedetti,and the other one is "Como agua para chocolate",by Laura Esquivel. In relation to politics,"The Shock Doctrine",by Naomi Klein is the one I prefer. I like fiction as much as non-fiction,specially if the books deal with History or Politics. My favorite writer is Mario Benedetti.His poetry is as wonderful as his novels or short stories.There`s a poem,the one for me which is called "No te rindas"...."Don`t give up".It has been more than important in my life,because it has helped me to face many very difficult situations. I recently read "The Shock Doctrine"; it explains all conspiracies that have been happening through History,mainly from the U.S.A to the rest of the world.It tells a truth, very hard and clear: the state policies which determined the creation of new forms of societies,and the triumph of Capitalism,obviously,by means of shock therapies.It`s such an interesting book ! It took me a few months to read it.